Honed Tubes / Skived And Burnished Tubes
Honing is an operation that Is used primarily to improve the surface finish of holes produced by processes such as Boring, Drilling, And Internal Grinding. The Honing Tool Consists of a Set of Aluminium Oxide or Silicon-Carbide Bonded Abrasive Sticks, usually Called Stones.
Skiving And Roller Burnishing Is a Two-Part, One-Pass Process That Removes Stock With Skiving Knives, Then Cold-Works Metal Surfaces With Rollers To Achieve The Highest Surface Finish Tolerances. This Process Is Commonly Used to Finish Hydraulic and Pneumatic Cylinders
Available Grades: Mild / Carbon Steel – ST52, E355, A106
SS 304, SS 316
Standard: DIN2391, EN10305, ASTM